Here at Appellation we know how important having the right internet domain name is for a business. We have been stocking up and helping businesses since 1996.
If you need an expert, we are it!

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What are Premium Domain Names?

Premium Domain Names are internet domains that have previously been registered by someone else but are now being resold as the original owner has completed marketing via that online device. This means anyone can buy premium domains as they are being sold on the open market, there are no restrictions. At, we have access to a wide variety of the best premium domain names for sale that you can now register for a new company or marketing initiative, we have been operating in the industry since 1996.

Buying a Premium Domain is the best way to secure popular domains that you would otherwise be unable to register as to be honest someone else got there first. This means you can finally buy domains that you have had your eye on for a while but have previously not been able to as someone else had already registered them

Find your perfect domain

Find your Perfect Domain - The first step is a domain name search for the best one that isn't already taken - the basic rule of thumb is the less words and shorter amount of characters the better. In our opinion a DOT COM domain is usually the most popular choice, but if you find that version of your domain is unavailable, don't worry that's where come into their own.

There are lots of other domain extensions (the letters to the right of the dot) you can use for some pretty cool naming combinations - either click on our Domain Search link above or below or see page bottom for access to a comprehensive first registrant search from our partners over at

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